
Colonoscopy Allows for Early Detection and Prevention of Colon Cancer

A colonoscopy is an important diagnostic tool that allows specialists at The GastroEnterology Center to look at the last five to six feet of your digestive tract. It is a critical diagnostic tool that allows doctors to:

  • Screen for colon cancer
  • Remove polyps (growths of abnormal tissue)
  • Stop lower intestinal bleeding
  • Take biopsies to diagnose the cause of conditions such as chronic diarrhea

What to Expect During a Colonoscopy

Ensuring your comfort is always a top priority of the specialist team at The GastroEnterology Center. After getting your informed consent, you will be sedated for the colonoscopy procedure. 

The doctor will pass a scope through the rectum to the junction of the small and large bowel, near the appendix. This will allow for viewing of your lower digestive tract to identify any abnormalities. If necessary, any Polyps or abnormal tissue can be removed at this time. Our team will also process these tissue samples for biopsy review.

GastroEnterology Center Specialists Recommend Regular Screenings

Experts recommend periodic colon cancer screenings for adults, generally starting at age 50. People who are at greater risk may be advised to have more frequent colonoscopies, starting an earlier age. By scheduling regular screenings, our specialists can compare colonoscopy results with prior screening results for any changes. 

Occasionally, other diagnostic tools, such as flexible sigmoidoscopy or computed tomographic (CT) colonography may be appropriate. GastroEnterology Center doctors can help determine which screenings are right for you.

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Digestive Health Tips From Our Staff

If you suffer from acid reflux, try to avoid caffeinated beverages and sodas as they boost the acid in the stomach and cause bloating. 


Heartburn is a common affliction for many people, but if left untreated it can lead to complications such as Barrett’s Esophagus, which is a precursor to esophageal cancer.